• A grand piano will be used.
  • Winners of a FIRST award who have entered 2 or more classes, may, at the Board’s discretion, be invited to take part in the Festival Concert. Winners will be notified by telephone. Certain cash scholarships are given each year.
  • To receive the scholarship the student MUST PERFORM AT THE CONCERT ON SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2020 at 2:30 pm at Morningside-High Park Presbyterian Church. APPROPRIATE CONCERT ATTIRE MUST BE WORN.
  • The purpose of these scholarships, generously donated by individuals, firms, and church organizations, is to assist the successful contestants in further musical studies. In accepting these scholarships, the recipients agree to use the funds provided for the designated purpose.
  • A letter of thanks to the scholarship donor is appropriate.
  • Donations are always welcome.